viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

Información Técnica 22-01-2010

Danisco enters niche probiotic juice category
By Jane Byrne , 21-Jan-2010

Beverage manufacturers seeking to extend their health and wellness portfolio can now incorporate a clinical dose of an immune boosting probiotic strain to their refrigerated fruit juice range while keeping their all-natural positioning, claims Danisco.
Danisco said great tasting juices with scientifically documented effects on consumer's health have great commercial potential and that the probiotic strain, Howaru Bifido (Bifidobacterium lactis HN019) is specifically selected for its immune modulating properties, with its benefits supported by clinical studies.
The company said that it has developed two probiotic juice concepts, both containing an effective dose of the Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 strain.
Yogurts and fermented dairy drinks have long been considered an ideal vehicle for delivering probiotic bacteria to the human gastroinstestinal tract which explains the widespread use of probiotic cultures in dairy products but adding probiotics to juices is more complex.
Danisco said that its applications specialists have been working extensively to gain specific expertise in process and formulation in the area of inoculation of the bacteria into juices, and have, by acquiring this real know-how, the supplier will support beverage manufacturers in the development of probiotic juices adpated to their production environment.
Test results have shown that it can obtain a good survival of its probiotic strains in fruit juice over 40 days at 4°C, stated the company.
And, a spokesperson for the company told that though it is currently a niche area, Danisco plans to develop the European market for probiotic juices through collaboration between its formulation experts and its customers.
She added that Danisco is targeting beverage manufacturers worldwide with its probiotic strains for juices.
In September last year, Swedish dairy pioneer, Skånemejerier, extended its Scandinavian-leading juice range, Bravo, to incorporate probiotic strains.
The products, called Bravo Friscus, come in the form of one-litre 100 per cent apple and orange juices cartons and incorporate two probiotic strains that have been clinically proven to resist colds and flus.
Fellow Swedish biotech firm, Probi, is supplying the Lactobacillus plantarum HEAL9 and Lactobacillus paracasei 8700:2 strains used in the products at a level of about 1bn colony forming units (CFUs) per 250ml.
It sells at about €2.50 per one litre carton – a 50 per cent mark-up over regular Bravo juices.
“This is a world first and is the result of 5-7 years of research and development,” Probi chief executive officer, Michael Oredsson, told this publication at the time.
“The products is being sold on its ability to fight colds and there has been a high level of interest with the winter season coming on. We plan to move into other Nordic countries.”
However Finnish dairy, Valio, disputed the claim by Skåne that it was the world's first probiotic 100 per cent juice, noting it had a product called Gefilus on the market since 1997. Gefilus was once marketed on digestive health benefits but now makes broad immunity claims.
Arla Ingman Oy Ab has has a 100 per cent BioGaia-supplied probiotic juice under the Rela brand on-market in Finland since 1999, but employing a soft immunity and nothing as specific as cold-fighting.

Grapefruit juice may boost CoQ10 uptake: Study
By Stephen Daniells , 15-Jan-2010

A glass of grapefruit juice may improve intestinal absorption of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) by almost 50 per cent, says a new study from Japan.
The juice appears to inhibit a protein in the membrane of cells called P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which thereby leads to an increased absorption of CoQ10, according to results of a laboratory study published in Food Chemistry.
“We have demonstrated that a higher cellular uptake of CoQ10 was achieved in the presence of grapefruit juice,” wrote the Japanese researchers, led by Ken Iseki from Hokkaido University.
The formulation of the CoQ10 is known to play a key role in its bioavailability. Since the coenzyme is lipophilic (fat-loving) its absorption is enhanced in the presence of lipids. Therefore, when taken as a supplement apart from meals, the absorption of some formulations is lower.
“It is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice constitutes an easily accessible way to improve the intestinal absorption of CoQ10,” added Iseki and his co-workers.
Grapefruit juice is well-known to interact with other compounds in the digestive system. Chemicals in juice and pulp of the fruit are reported to interfere with the enzymes that metabolise certain drugs in the digestive system, including statins to lower cholesterol. This results in potentially toxic quantities of drugs circulating in the blood.
The new study, however, suggests that grapefruit juice’s inhibiting effects may actually benefit CoQ10 absorption.
CoQ10 has properties similar to vitamins, but since it is naturally synthesized in the body it is not classed as such. Our ability to synthesise the compound peaks at the age of 20 and amounts in our body decrease rapidly after we pass the age of 40.
With chemical structure 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decaprenyl-1,4-benzoquinone, it is also known as ubiquinone because of its 'ubiquitous' distribution throughout the human body.
The coenzyme is concentrated in the mitochondria - the 'power plants' of the cell - and plays a vital role in the production of chemical energy by participating in the production of adenosince triphosphate (ATP), the body's co-called 'energy currency'.

Study details
The Japanese researchers used Caco-2 cells, a cell line used to model the lining of the human intestine. Cells were cultured in the presence of CoQ10 powder (10 micromoles, supplied by Kougen Co. Ltd.) and grapefruit juice (diluted to a concentration of 1 per cent, purchased from the Dole Food Company Inc., USA).
Results showed that CoQ10 uptake in the presence of grapefruit juice was increased by almost 50 per cent. “These results indicate that the combined administration of CoQ10 and grapefruit juice could enhance CoQ10 absorption,” said the researchers.
“Taking these findings into consideration, it is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice will be an easily accessible way to improve the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” they added.
The researchers concluded that additional studies are required in order to investigate the pharmacological effects of CoQ10 when administration with grapefruit juice. “Such investigations will provide important information for improving the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” concluded Iseki and his co-workers.
Source: Food Chemistry2010, Volume 120 (2010) 552–555“Grapefruit juice enhances the uptake of coenzyme Q10 in the human intestinal cell-line Caco-2”Authors: S. Itagaki, A. Ochiai, M. Kobayashi, M. Sugawara, T. Hirano, K. Iseki

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009


La empresa PiimAT, surge como una inquietud de entregar a las empresas lácteas pymes, asesoramiento técnico especializado y personalizado, a un costo razonable.
Nuestra área de cobertura es principalmente las provincias de Córdoba y Santa Fe, en Argentina.
Puede confiar en nosotros con los siguientes temas:
- Optimización de procesos productivos.
- Capacitación de personal.
- Desarrollo de nuevos productos.
- Manejo de ingredientes alimenticios.
Para mayor información puede contactarnos a través de los siguientes canales:
Ing. Mauricio A. Rossi
skype: mauricio.a.rossi
cel: (+54 9) 3564 626748

II- Capacitación

La CAPACITACIÓN debe ir de la mano de la Optimización de Proceso.
El porqué es simple, para que un registro sea fidedigno, quien lo lleva adelante debe ser plenamente conciente del trabajo que se está emprendiendo en la empresa, y de que su trabajo contribuirá a un bien mayor.
Por eso la capacitación debe comenzar por la mente de los dueños, los gerentes, los líderes de la empresa y luego hacerse extensible a toda la organización e incluso a la selección de personal.
Siempre va a ser buena idea seleccionar personal:
  • Honesto
  • Con ética
  • Orgulloso de lo que puede lograr
  • Curioso, con ganas de mejorar constantemente
  • Inteligente
  • Voluntarioso

Una muy buena iniciativa por parte de los líderes de una empresa, es incentivar al personal que reuna estas características, si es factible con incentivos monetarios (debemos tener presente que no sólo se trabaja por realización personal, sino para mejorar la calidad de vida propia y de los seres queridos).

Eso sí, vale la pena perderse unas cuantas horas estableciendo una buena estrategia de RRHH, que mantenga estas cuantas claras,... sólo así se conservará la amistad entre el líder y el seguidor.

Superada esta etapa interna, nos encontramos con 3 estadíos diferentes desde donde podemos comenzar a capacitar el personal de la Industria Láctea:

  1. Toma de conciencia: básico para trabajar con alimentos. Implica la implementación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura en todos los niveles, incluso en los detalles más pequeños y a pesar de que no estén dadas todas las condiciones edilicias, etc... tiene que ver con un acostumbramiento del personal.
  2. Nivelación de conocimientos: implica profundizar el conocimiento que los operarios tengan de las materias primas, ingredientes y productos que están manipulando cotidianamente. De esta manera encuentran explicaciones a las operaciones realizadas y pueden dimensionar la importancia de las mismas, y no simplemente confiar en lo que el líder le dice. La autoconcientización termina siendo la más convincente de las capacitaciones.
  3. Crecimiento: involucra un bien mayor. El capacitar el personal, no sólo para que haga mejor su trabajo, sino para que crezca, que aprenda a hacer cosas nuevas y mejores, que piense, que aporte al crecimiento global de una manera intelectualmente activa.

I- Optimización de Procesos

En todo proyecto de OPTIMIZACIÓN de PROCESOS primeramente debemos conocer qué pasa en nuestra planta, por ende hay que comenzar implementando registros. Cuántos? dependerá de nuestra necesidad de conocer y explicar qué sucede en los procesos que llevamos adelante en planta.... no sólo desde el punto de vista teórico, sino también con datos concretos.

A continuación, luego de esta primera etapa, debemos decidir cuáles de estos registros son correctos y cuáles deben ser corregidos, esto es establecer parámetros.

Cuando hayamos cumplimentado estos dos pasos, muy importantes y primordiales, podremos comenzar a sacar conclusiones respecto de lo que estamos haciendo:
  • Porcentaje de productos sin desviaciones y sus resultados
  • Relevancia concreta de determinados registros implementados
  • Y si realmente controlamos nosotros el proceso... o tenemos suerte
  • etc

Sean cuales fueran nuestras primeras conclusiones, tendremos una oportunidad única: emprender acciones para que nuestro proceso sea controlado en un 100% por nosotros.

Diferentes alternativas de control:

  1. Podemos fijar parámetros fijos a cumplir, establecidos a través de Procedimientos Específicos Operativos que ordenen todos los procesos involucrados.
  2. Podemos fijar criterios lógicos o criterios empíricos para la toma de desiciones constante, en función de los registros que se van obteniendo en todo momento.